
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Myth: There aren’t any good free apps that teach my child about making healthy food choices.

Answer: BUSTED!

There’s a new entry into the world of mobile apps for parents and caregivers looking for free apps that teach children about healthy eating in a fun and engaging way. Body Quest: Food of the Warrior! is a series of seven iPad apps tested with third graders. Six Body Quest warriors are the narrators/guides in these mobile apps: Body Doc, Muscle Max, Graino Supa, Shining Rainbow, Fiberlicious and Super Slurper. Each of these warriors have super powers that come from healthy foods and drinks.

Screenshot of Body Quest app showing the 6 Body Quest warriors
  • Body Doc explores the goodness of fruits.
  • Muscle Max ‘pumps you up’ with healthy sources of protein.
  • Graino Supa is the warrior focused on healthy grains.
  • Shining Rainbow shines the light on vegetables.
  • Fiberlicious reminds us where to find fiber and why it’s good for us.
  • Super Slurper is the warrior touting cool drinks for kids – water and milk.

Your child will learn what it takes to be a Body Quest warrior. Each of the seven apps includes challenges like getting over fears of trying new foods and more.

For information about the content of each free app go to or download them using the search title, Body Quest.

Contributor: Ellen Schuster, M.S., R.D., Associate State Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,, 573-882-1933

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