
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Myth: There are no new quick and easy weekday breakfast ideas for me and my family.

Young daughter feeding cereal to her father
Answer: BUSTED!

Breakfast is an important meal but it can be hard to figure out what to eat first thing in the morning. Whether you and your family have time to sit down and eat together during the week or if you want some ideas as you head out the door, these tips will get you started.

  1. Think different! Cereal is not your only option for breakfast. Leftovers from the night before are OK to eat in the morning. Or try a whole wheat pita with eggs and diced tomatoes as a grab-and-go or sit-down option.
  2. Other grab-and go-ideas: low-fat yogurt, fruit, whole wheat crackers and hummus.
  3. Most of us don’t get enough vegetables in our diet. Breakfast may provide some opportunities to add these nutrient-packed and low calorie foods. Try hummus and carrots, or raw veggies with low calorie dip. The good thing about veggies is that they fill you up so you are good to go until lunch.
  4. Make a smoothie in the morning to sip on your way to work or school. This is a good way to add low-fat milk or yogurt and fruit to your diet. An interesting tip: add some spinach leaves to your smoothie. You won’t taste them and this is another way to get more daily vegetables.
  5. Plan it! While you are washing the dinner dishes or setting aside everyone's clothes for the next day, plan what you will have in the morning before you head out the door. Start with these suggestions and have your family members conjure up some new breakfast ideas.

Try these No-Bake Breakfast Bars for a new morning treat. They can be made quickly and easily ahead of time and they're perfect for a breakfast on-the-go.

Contributor: Ellen Schuster, M.S., R.D., Associate State Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,, 573-882-1933

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