
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Myth: Adding pureed veggies to recipes will make them healthier.

Answer: BUSTED, kind of...

Pumpkin puree (either canned or homemade), like other vegetable purees, can be added to recipes like macaroni and cheese or brownies. Will these dishes be healthier as a result? Will they significantly increase the amount of veggies in your diet? No. You are not adding enough pureed veggies to increase your daily intake. However, in the case of the brownies, you will be reducing the amount of fat you need to add to the recipe which is a great healthy habit when baking. But again, your veggie intake won’t be significantly increased by eating these brownies.

Bowl of pumpkin puree
I like to add pureed veggies like pumpkin puree to stews, chilis, tacos or burritos. They add flavor, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Best of all, when combined with herbs and spices you add new flavors to your favorite dishes.

You may find already prepared vegetable purees in the grocery store in packages or containers other than cans, but be aware that these are pricey alternatives and the canned purees are typically the most affordable option.

For more nutrition and health information and tips, visit

Contributor: Ellen Schuster, M.S., R.D., Associate State Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,, 573-882-1933

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