
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Myth: The recipes that I find online for meals in a jar should be safe.

Answer: BUSTED!

Meals in a jar can be convenient and they can make nice gifts, but there is no guarantee that they are safe recipes. There are sites on the internet that suggest you pressure can a chicken soup recipe and then store each jar with a bag of noodles for a quick meal later. That can be done, but the soup is not safe unless it is from a tested recipe. Before spending an entire day preparing meals in a jar, make sure you are using tested recipes for home canning. Don't risk the health and safety of those who will be eating the final product. 

home-canned foods

Tested recipes are available through your local Extension office, the National Center for Home Food Preservation and Ball.

Contributors: Tammy Roberts (660-679-4167) and Susan Mills-Gray (816-380-8460), Nutrition and Health Education Specialists, University of Missouri Extension

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