
Monday, May 14, 2012

Myth: Using a juicing machine is the best way to take in all that fruits and vegetables have to offer.

whole fruits and vegetables next to glasses of juice
Answer: BUSTED!

Due to fad diets that require cycles of “juice fasting,” juicing appliances can now be seen in many kitchens nationwide. Although using a juicer does allow for the concentrated consumption of the beneficial nutrients in fruits and vegetables, it leaves out one important component of whole fruits and vegetables: fiber. Fiber is a part of fruits and vegetables that cannot be digested by the human digestive system, allowing it to pass completely through the body. As fiber passes through the body it absorbs water, promoting the movement of material through the digestive system.

There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, while soluble fiber does. Both types are found in fruits and vegetables.

Insoluble fiber:
  • Speeds up the elimination of waste through the digestive system
  • Creates an environment that prevents microorganisms from producing toxic substances in the colon

Soluble fiber:
  • May help to reduce cholesterol, specifically LDL (bad cholesterol)
  • Regulates sugar absorption, preventing rapid increases in blood sugar levels

Although juicing fruits and vegetables retains most of the nutrients, the added fiber from consuming them whole helps us achieve optimal well-being.

For more information, visit

Contributors: Klemens Ast, ARAMARK Dietetic Intern; Denise Schmitz, M.A., R.D., Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,, 816-482-5850

1 comment:

  1. There is no evidence that any of the claimed health benefits of fiber actually work, other than the slowed down absorption of sugar. The fiber myth is a propagation of the cereal and whole grains industry via commercial advertising.


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