
Friday, April 20, 2012

Myth: Other than going outside and walking, there are no other activities to get my kids away from the screen.

Answer: BUSTED!

family playing soccer together
As we know, too much screen time – watching TV, video games, computer time – contributes to increasing youth obesity. Youth spend too much time being inactive, time that would be better spent doing some type of physical activity. Here are some ideas for screen-free alternatives for you and your family:

  • Play flashlight tag in the dark.
  • Plant a garden and get active maintaining it.
  • Dance to music. Make up new dance moves.
  • Play balloon volleyball indoors. See how long you can keep the balloon in the air.
  • Throw light scarves in the air. Keep them in the air as you turn around in a circle and do other moves.

Remember, make active time family time. If your children see you being active, they are more likely to be more active too.

Looking for more activity ideas? See the MU Extension publication Play More, Watch Less.

Visit for more information about making healthy choices.

Contributor: Ellen Schuster, M.S., R.D., Associate State Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,, 573-882-1933

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