
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Myth: There's no way to eat healthy when traveling by airplane.

Answer: BUSTED!

Rejoice! A survey of 15 major airports indicates that healthier food choices abound. Here are some options to look for when flying:

►Vegetarian options – such as stir-fry dishes that have lots of vegetables. Vegetarian dishes are usually low in fat and high in fiber.

►Fruit and vegetable choices that fill you up – such as snack boxes that include hummus and pita bread or carrots and other veggies. Fruit or green lettuce salads are also good options (have dressing on the side).

►Snacks on-the-go – such as nuts (small portion and unsalted) or a small package of pretzels. Add a piece of fresh fruit and water to drink. Eating fresh fruit is more satisfying than drinking fruit juice and fills you up during those flight layovers. Or snack on a container of low-fat yogurt (the extra protein in Greek-style yogurt may keep you satisfied longer).

►Sandwiches – choose lean meat or poultry on whole wheat bread. Ask for EXTRA lettuce greens and tomatoes. Choose low-fat condiments like mustard.

Plan ahead if you will be eating at the airport. Go online and find out what restaurants are at the airport(s) you will be traveling through. Many of these restaurants may have websites with menus and/or nutrition information.

Want to bring your own healthy food choices to the airport?

►For fruit lovers, unpeeled fruit is OK when going through security. But if you’ve partially eaten the fruit, it must be wrapped.

►Water – there is still a ban on liquids going through security so you will have to buy water after the security checkpoint.

Remember, all food is screened so be forewarned. Not sure if your food will get through security? You can go to the Transportation Security Administration website for more information or to download “My TSA” mobile apps.

For more tips about making healthy food choices, visit the MissouriFamilies website.

Contributor: Ellen Schuster, M.S., R.D., Associate State Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,, 573-882-1933

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

    Eating Healthy Food


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