
Monday, July 19, 2010

Myth: You should plan to eat out for every meal when traveling.

Answer: Busted!

While it is tempting to indulge while on vacation, a little bit of planning can ensure quick and healthy meals. Before you travel, make a trip to the grocery store with a list of foods and drinks and stock up for your trip. You don’t have to keep foods such as nuts, bagels, pretzels, crackers, baked chips, or dried fruit cold. Keep a cooler with bottled water, lean sandwich meats, and raw fruits and vegetables for healthy meal ideas. Some supermarkets have pre-made deli sandwiches and salad bars available. Ask around to find out these options.

It’s ok to treat your family to the occasional restaurant meal, but planning healthy meals ahead of time can save money, keep your family healthy, and keep foods safe while traveling this summer.

Guest Contributor: Melissa Bess, M.S. Nutrition and Health Education Specialist, University of Missouri Extension,

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