
Friday, January 15, 2010

Myth: I can’t exercise when it’s cold outside.

Answer: Busted!

It looks like it is going to be a long, cold, snowy winter. It’s easy to want to skip that physical activity and just curl up by the fire. But staying active is important to your health, even if the weather doesn't lend itself to being physically active.

You may have to adjust your physical activity because of the weather. Here are some suggestions to help you fit physical activity into your lifestyle, regardless of the weather outside:
  • Change a current physical activity. If you walk outside, try walking at the mall or on a treadmill.
  • Try something new. Dance classes, swimming, and water aerobics are all good indoor physical activities. Check out some exercise videos from your local library to use at home.
  • Invest in home fitness equipment. From jump ropes and fitness DVDs to treadmills and stationary bikes, having equipment at home makes it easier to fit in exercise. You can often find good bargains on gently used exercise equipment but do your research first. Make sure it is the right piece of equipment for you.
  • Add some strength-training activity. You don’t have to go to the gym to do this. Hand weights or resistance bands are easy tools to use at home. You can even use cans of soup or vegetables for hand weights.
  • Do short bouts of activity during the day. Walk up and down a few flights of stairs at the office or get co-workers together over lunch for a physical activity break.
  • Dress for the weather. If you go outside, dress for it. Staying active in cold weather is enjoyable if you are properly dressed.
  • Put safety first. Choose an indoor activity if there are dangerous wind chills or icy conditions.

With a plan, you can make it through the winter months and stay physically fit.

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